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The Shocking Truth: Is Naruto Really Dead? Here's What We Know About His Fate!

by Ngankoue A Koung 16 Apr 2023 0 Comments
Naruto_sasuke death
Boruto carrying naruto and sasuke dead

The Shocking Truth: Is Naruto Really Dead? Here's What We Know About His Fate!

As an avid fan of the Naruto franchise, I was deeply invested in the fate of its protagonist, Naruto Uzumaki. With the release of Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, fans were left wondering about Naruto's fate. Is Naruto dead? Did he die in Boruto? In this article, we'll examine the theories and evidence surrounding Naruto's potential death and explore what we know and what we don't know.


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Recap of Naruto's journey

Before diving into the theories about Naruto's death, let's take a moment to recap his journey. Naruto Uzumaki was a young ninja from the village of Konoha who dreamed of becoming the Hokage - the leader of his village. Along with his friends, Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno, Naruto faced numerous obstacles and enemies, including the likes of Orochimaru, Akatsuki, and even his own inner demons.
Throughout the series, Naruto grew stronger, both in terms of his ninja abilities and his relationships with those around him. He eventually achieved his dream of becoming Hokage and married his longtime love interest, Hinata Hyuga. However, with the release of Boruto, fans were left wondering about Naruto's fate.

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Theories about Naruto's death

The possibility of Naruto's death has been a topic of discussion among fans for years. Some fans believe that Naruto will die in Boruto, while others believe that he will survive. One theory that has gained traction is that Naruto will sacrifice himself to save his son, Boruto.

This theory is supported by the fact that Naruto has always been willing to put his own life on the line to protect his loved ones. Additionally, Boruto has shown a strong desire to prove himself to his father and become a ninja like him. Naruto sacrificing himself for his son would be a fitting end to his character arc and a powerful moment for the series.


Did Naruto die in Boruto? Examining the evidence

Despite the theories and speculation, there has been no confirmation that Naruto has died in Boruto. In fact, the series has yet to reveal Naruto's fate at all. While this lack of information has left fans anxious, it also means that there is still hope for Naruto's survival.

One piece of evidence that suggests Naruto may still be alive is the fact that he has not been shown in the afterlife. In the Naruto universe, deceased characters are often shown in the afterlife, particularly during the Fourth Shinobi War arc. The fact that Naruto has not been shown in the afterlife suggests that he may still be alive.


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How does Naruto die in Boruto? Theories and speculations

Assuming that Naruto does die in Boruto, fans have been speculating about how it will happen. One theory is that Naruto will be killed by Kawaki, a new character introduced in the series. Kawaki has been shown to have a strong hatred for both Naruto and the ninja way of life, making him a possible candidate for Naruto's killer.

Another theory is that Naruto will sacrifice himself to defeat the series' main villain, Isshiki Ōtsutsuki. Isshiki is a powerful alien who has been wreaking havoc in the Naruto universe, and it's possible that defeating him will require a sacrifice from Naruto.


Other characters' potential deaths in Boruto

While Naruto's potential death has been the focus of much speculation, other characters in the Naruto universe are also at risk. Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto's close friend and ally, is a possible candidate for death in Boruto. Sasuke has often been portrayed as a tragic character, and his death would be a devastating blow to both Naruto and the fans.

Boruto, Naruto's son and the protagonist of the series, is also at risk of death. While it would be a bold move for the series to kill off its main character, it's not unheard of in the Naruto universe. Additionally, Boruto's desire to prove himself to his father could lead him to take risks that put his life in danger.

Sasuke giving strength to Boruto by dying 


The Naruto bug character theory

One theory that has gained popularity among fans is the Naruto bug character theory. This theory suggests that Naruto has been reincarnated as a bug, possibly a butterfly or a ladybug. The theory is based on a scene from the Naruto manga in which Naruto is shown as a bug before transforming into his human form.

While this theory is interesting, it's important to note that it has not been confirmed by the series' creators. It's possible that the bug scene was simply a metaphor or a visual representation of Naruto's growth as a character.


Fan reactions to Naruto's potential death

The thought of Naruto dying has been a source of anxiety and excitement for fans of the series. Many fans have expressed their emotional attachment to Naruto and their fear of losing him. Others have speculated about how his death could impact the story and the other characters.

However, not all fans are convinced that Naruto will die in Boruto. Some believe that the series will take a more optimistic approach, with Naruto surviving to continue his role as Hokage and mentor to the next generation of ninja.


Conclusion: Is Naruto really dead? What we know and what we don't know

In conclusion, the fate of Naruto Uzumaki remains uncertain. While there are theories and speculation about his potential death, there has been no confirmation from the series' creators. It's possible that Naruto will survive to continue his role as Hokage and mentor, or that he will sacrifice himself to protect his loved ones.

Regardless of what happens to Naruto, his journey has left a lasting impact on the franchise and its fans. From his determination and perseverance to his loyalty and love for his friends and family, Naruto has become an iconic character in the world of anime and manga.

If you're a fan of Naruto, take a look at all our products from the Naruto collection. We're currently offering great promotions on the Naruto collection, so get yours now and show your love for one of anime's most beloved characters.

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